Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Keeping Track of Website Performance

Many brick-and-mortar business operators can dive right into the digital age by setting up a website for their store- in most cases, through professional assistance. However, websites are not quite the magic tools some people may lead you to believe; it takes effort to account for a website’s performance up-to-date, hence the need for a website audit.
Website audits are designed to tally the performance data of each site’s page and compile the information for the business owner. They come as either front- or back-end audits, which have their own summaries of the report.
A front-end audit breaks down the various factors that affect each page. Your internet marketing specialist will take note of the computer code that creates the pages, and how certain lines of code bolster or hamper the page’s load time. The auditors can also see how many times a page was visited and which internet browser the visitor used.
Back-end audits concern the more technical foundations of the website, such as its data servers, a database, and the computer applications that will manage the content displayed on the website. The back-end audit will also take note of problems regarding slow search queries on the site.
A complete website audit will help you see the big picture in how your business’ site fares. It may be an important element in increasing the business’ customer traffic.

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